Monday, September 1, 2008

Struggling with Lyme's and West Nile Virus

Lyme's disease is becoming rampant in this country, and displaying as a wide variety of other diseases. Most people go to the doctor complaining of a variety of symptoms, and find that there is little your standard medical practitioner can do or even find.

My first encounter with Lyme's was when my dog got bitten by a tick. Having removed the tick, I thought nothing further about it, until I saw my dog moping around, panting as if he had a fever, and then within a couple of days he began having trouble getting up, and finally lost complete control of his hind legs.

Having used colloidal silver for years, I began a program of administering one-half ounce to him every four hours. Within 2 days, he was up and moving and back to his old self. I continued the colloidal silver for another week and a half just to make sure it was gone. There have been no relapses since then. He is now on a daily regimen of Perfect Science Animal Formula in his water bowl. At that time, I did not have an EMT device to test with; I recommend testing now as a way of monitoring your dog's health.

Since then, I have contracted Lyme's and West Nile (West Nile twice) in the last few years. I contracted both from mosquito bites, and not from a tick bite.

I use a product called Perfect Science Ayterion Agua which is a great energetic drink; it is a high frequency, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-viral and detoxer. I use it for cleaning fruits and vegetables; I cook with it, spray myself with it, bathe in it, put it into soups, drinks, coffee, and more. Sometimes I'm not as attentive to using it, and it seems it's those times that I contract something.

I also use a device called the EMT (Elton Pigg device), both for testing myself, and for treating myself with frequencies. I generally use this in conjunction with the Perfect Science products.

I was at a get together one night viewing a documentary, when the hostess decided to open the doors to let some air in. In came an army of mosquitoes which bit many of us there, and a couple of days later, I decided to test myself and my friend to see if we had picked anything up. Sure enough, West Nile came up.

Having used colloidal silver in the past, I decided to engage in a protocol of 12 oz. of Perfect Science morning and evening, and 2 oz. of a new silver product, called Perfect Silverion, 4 times a day. I also treated myself with the EMT device.

Testing myself a week later, there were no signs of West Nile. I kept up the protocol for another week just to be sure. I continue to use the Perfect Science products daily.

Recently, I was attacked by mosquitoes while walking in the woods. A couple of weeks later, I became feverish and run down. Upon testing myself, I found both Lyme's and West Nile.

My arsenol for health now includes Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), so I included that in my above protocol, for two weeks. The protocol for MMS usually starts with 1 or 2 drops mixed with an acid, such as lemon juice, and adjusted upwards until you are taking 15 drops once or twice a day. I cannot tolerate more than 10 drops, and so that is generally my top level. But because I am also using Perfect Science (especially right after taking MMS), I do believe I am taking an adequate amount.

Within one week, the West Nile no longer was showing up on the test, and within two weeks, the Lyme's was gone. I continued the protocol for another two weeks just to be sure. I cannot vouch for anyone else, but this protocol works for me. The MMS is a powerful force in eradicating bacteria, viruses and fungus, but can also produce diarrhea and nausea, as a tremendous die-off (Herxheimer's reaction) happens. I use the PS products to clean up after the MMS. The Perfect Science products seem to be conscious products and know how much to remove without causing Herxheimer's reaction. You can easily rid yourself of any toxin with Perfect Science, but it does take time. MMS is a dynamite in the body, and just bulldozes through the toxins. Perfect Science also seems to reduce the effects of die-off . Also, on those days that you can't face doing an MMS treatment, do just Perfect Science. Combined with frequency treatments, and Perfect Science, I believe this is a great solution for the rampant Lyme's and West Nile showing up in this country.

Lyme's has been found to be a significant factor in many other illnesses, including arthritis, heart disease, neural disorders and much more. I would urge anyone who has started experiencing any of these to get tested for Lyme's through your physician, or find an EMT practitioner who can test you.

More information about products can be found at

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